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----  [推荐]老鼠爱大米》英文版!!!带歌词  (http://wubaicn.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=11&id=734)

--  作者:森林小雨
--  发布时间:2005/3/12 19:35:28
--  [推荐]老鼠爱大米》英文版!!!带歌词
When that day I hear your voice   I have some special feeling   Let me always think I don't wanna forget you   I remember at the day   You are always on my mind   Eventhough I just can think about you   If the day in the future   This love will becoming true   I've never change my mind I will love you forever   I don't care how fool it is   I will let my dream come true   I will tell you something I wanna let you know, I let you know   I love you, loving you, as the mouse love the rice   Even every day has storm, I will always by your side   I miss you, missing you   I don't care how hard it is   I just want you be happy   Everything, I do it for you
--  作者:森林小雨
--  发布时间:2005/3/8 12:40:42
点评:个人觉得唱还是可以的,不过还是希望少翻唱为好! 因为唱这歌的 香香由于翻唱林俊杰 的江南被吃官司 可能会罚款N万元!!
--  作者:戒爱
--  发布时间:2005/3/8 13:30:51
既然是兄弟的帖子~~~ 先顶上了~~
--  作者:森林小雨
--  发布时间:2005/3/12 19:35:28
嘿嘿 林兄 就是气质不凡! 你的发型很不错 有机会你也给我做一个哦~