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----  [推荐][公告][推荐]一首震撼你双耳的歌MTV(国外重金属)<修改>  (http://wubaicn.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=12&id=9101)

--  作者:hys500
--  发布时间:2007/5/23 12:44:22
--  [推荐][公告][推荐]一首震撼你双耳的歌MTV(国外重金属)<修改>
非法DIR多媒体标签,文件地址:http://www.56.com/n_v48_/c18_/2_/14_/xzl86_/zhajm_1179132012_408_/395000_/0_/13857195.swf 樂隊名:Avantasia 阿凡塔西亚 Avantasia -《金属歌剧》 英文名称:The Metal Opera Pt.II 专辑介绍 德国金属歌剧乐队Avantasia的《The Metal Opera Pt.I》《The Metal Opera Pt.II》。这是被称为是前无古人后无来者的两张金属歌剧专辑。两张专辑其实是一个整体,分为第一部和第二部。专辑讲述的是一个古老欧洲风格浓郁的神话故事。这两张专辑已经是非一般意义的金属歌剧,专辑集合了所有你知道和不知道的优秀元素。两张专辑26首歌曲,你不会挑剔出任何有瑕疵的地方。每一首都用最完美的形态呈现出来。其中的歌剧元素的创作也已达到了顶峰。(超越了瓦格纳?笑) 金属歌剧的特征,是在神话和传说中寻求题材,积极进入浪漫主义的世界。当然,随着时间的推移,流派和倾向愈加复杂,现在大体上已具有了各自鲜明的特色.专辑比较特殊的地方就是请了多位主唱来担当角色。每个主唱都具有自身的特色。就好像是神话中不同的人物描述自己的故事。专辑速度很具力量,旋律也堪称一流,听过以后就会知道什么叫一尘不染的音乐。对于金属歌剧来说,旋律和唱词就是生命,专辑这两点表现的极为出色。专辑气势磅礴,大气宏伟,犹如身处圣地。用耳朵就可以看到你所有能想象的欧洲神话壮观场面。神话的感觉体现的非常深远,所有美丽的,激烈的,悲哀的,一起呈现。Avantasia用了所有表现手段来表现所想,表现所思。专辑中所具有的内涵绝非轻易就能全部领略。 Avantasia是一个临时团体。首脑人物是一个比较新的金属乐队Edguy的主唱Tobia Sammet与速度金属的高音教父Ernie。这两张超长篇的金属歌剧绝对是2000年最重要的专辑之一。而在专辑中,由于Ernie这位重量级人物的加入,更体现了这张专辑的含金量。这张专辑怎么看都是结合了前辈和新生代金属歌剧的典范。 专辑中所有出场的主唱: Tobias Sammet (Edguy)饰 见习修士Gabriel Michael Kiske (前Helloween主唱,化名Ernie)饰 德鲁伊教徒Lugaid Andre Matos (前Angra)饰 精灵Elderane Kai Hansen (Gamma Ray,前Helloween)饰 矮人Regrin Timo Tolkki (Stratovarius)饰 神秘古塔之音 Rob Rock (前Impellitteri)饰 罗马主教 Von Bicken Sharon Den Adel (Within Temptation)饰 主角Gabriel之妹 Devid Defeis (Vigin Steele)饰 修道士Jakob Oliver Hartmann (At Vance)饰 罗马教皇 Pope Clemens IIX 专辑曲目: 1. Seven Angels - David Defeis 2. No Return - Michael Kiske 3. Looking Glass - Bob Catley 4. In Quest For - Bob Catley 5. Final Sacrifice - David Defeis 6. Neverland - Rob Rock 7. Anywhere 8. Chalice of Agony - Kai Hansen 9. Memory - Ralf Zdiarstek 10. Into the Unknown 歌名是:Farewell 歌詞: Days had come, winters had gone, and we gamboled like siblings in Paradise. I was your knight, holding you tight as a brother when I saw your crying eyes. Time went by and we had to say goodbye. Staring up to the clouds above Children - so little and sad. Hoping the saints could help one day Lead us together again. Holding the key to the alley of dreams still in hands. Time telling me to say farewell but I knew that I would fight hell and I knew: We will go for another time we can see, for another time we'll be free, for no more farewell. Time telling me to say farewell but I knew that I would fight hell and I knew: We will go for another time we can see, for another time we'll be free, for no more farewell. Stepbrother tell me where have you been when they brought me to this godforsaken place. Sign of the cross - they took me away for healing with herbs by the way of grace. Now I wait for the day to feed the flames. I have been caught in a cage of despair. My heart as a monk's cell so empty and bare. But no holy water can make me forget you again... Time telling me to say farewell but I knew that I would fight hell and I knew: We will go for another time we can see, for another time we'll be free, for no more farewell. Time telling me to say farewell but I knew that I would fight hell and I knew: We will go for another time we can see, for another time we'll be free, for no more farewell. Time telling me to say farewell but I knew that I would fight hell and I knew: We will go for another time we can see, for another time we'll be free, for no more farewell. Time telling me to say farewell but I knew that I would fight hell and I knew: We will go for another time we can see, for another time we'll be free, for no more farewell. Time telling me to say farewell but I knew that I would fight hell and I knew: We will go for another time we can see, for another time we'll be free, for no more farewell. Time telling me to say farewell but I knew that I would fight hell and I knew: We will go for another time we can see, for another time we'll be free, for no more farewell. Time telling me to say farewell but I knew that I would fight hell and I knew: We will go for another time we can see, for another time we'll be free, for no more farewell.
--  作者:坐看云起
--  发布时间:2006/5/23 0:37:46
顶了 好曲子 不错啊
--  作者:坐看云起
--  发布时间:2006/5/23 1:35:25
我靠.......刚才看了帖 我才发现 我也在论坛泡了一年了 虽然没对 论坛做出什么大的 贡献 不过一年时间就这样过去了 有点 不可思议
--  作者:南国
--  发布时间:2006/5/23 2:11:11
哇!!一开始就被吸引了~ 很久没有听过这么感动的外文歌了!!太感谢hys500的推荐了~ PS:歌词比较易懂,有兴趣的不妨留意一下。
--  作者:王水利
--  发布时间:2006/5/23 3:18:32
好听! 但是那人很帅的 是摇工乐吗?
--  作者:坐看云起
--  发布时间:2006/5/26 1:33:58
我现在也听了些外国的金属乐 我都听傻了 才知道 人家国外的 摇滚真的 是到了 没话讲的地步 ...... 我希望老大 以后也对做些金属乐 不过一定节奏要强的
--  作者:hys500
--  发布时间:2006/5/29 12:43:59
--  作者:南国
--  发布时间:2006/6/8 15:50:09
--  作者:hys500
--  发布时间:2006/6/9 12:58:24
--  作者:森林小雨
--  发布时间:2006/6/9 13:23:51
很不错,前奏和歌曲唱了以后反差很大。典型的经典摇滚歌曲,蛮不错的。女声很清脆,铿锵型的声音。 谢谢 源水了:)