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主题:Suicide is painless ----lady &bird

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等级:伍佰学院柒年级 帖子:911 积分:5174 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2/23/2007
Suicide is painless ----lady &bird  发帖心情 Post By:12/12/2007 1:57:02 PM [显示全部帖子]

hello… 你能听见我们吗?我们迷失了。 lady&bird ->keren ann和bradi johannsson,一个是拥有多国血统的混血女创作人,一个是冰岛trip-hop乐队bang gang的主唱。lady bird,是一支有阳光破碎声音的美丽乐队。 suicide is painless,叙述他人故事一般的冷静和娓娓道来。 加上歌词,犹如处于自杀的边缘并考虑中,压抑,模糊,同时代有疑虑的感觉… lady和bird在树上欢歌,时间停止在这一刻. Through early morning fog I see visions of the things to be Their pains that are withheld from me I realize, and I can see That suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it If I please The game of life is hard to play Im gonna lose it anyway The losing card I'll some day lay So this is all I have to say That Suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it If I please The sword of time will pierce our skin It doesnt hurt when it begins But as it works its way on in The pain grows stronger, watch it grin Suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it If I please A brave man once requested me To answer questions that are key Is it to be, or not to be? And I replied,oh why ask me? Suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it If I please And you can do the same thing If you please 歌词 ,能看懂的就看,看不懂的就只听音乐! 谢谢。 图片点击可在新窗口打开查看

伍佰:慢慢的,当我发现已经忘记你的脸,慢慢的,我就出现无可所谓的容颜  回到顶部
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等级:伍佰学院柒年级 帖子:911 积分:5174 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2/23/2007
  发帖心情 Post By:3/24/2007 10:51:48 PM [显示全部帖子]

但我感觉要是去和音乐很好的融合起来还是要看英文的歌词 诗意了的汉语有时会毁坏歌原来的意境`~~

伍佰:想问问你的心中,不愿面对的不懂,明天之后,不知道面前的你是否依然爱我  回到顶部
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等级:伍佰学院柒年级 帖子:911 积分:5174 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2/23/2007
  发帖心情 Post By:5/27/2007 12:10:49 AM [显示全部帖子]


伍佰:飞翔时伤悲是一种奢侈的行为  回到顶部
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等级:伍佰学院柒年级 帖子:911 积分:5174 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2/23/2007
  发帖心情 Post By:5/27/2007 12:36:58 PM [显示全部帖子]

回楼上黄斑竹的话。我是觉得这个发到音乐区也不会有人回。比水帖还水的帖。还是发到水区的好。 好了,我的报告完毕!

伍佰:我知道会成过去,无须在意,只是我善感的愁,顿时涌上了胸口  回到顶部