伍佰大陆网论坛╅伍佰专署区╆『品味伍佰』 → 云顶演唱会伍迷纪实!



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等级:伍佰学院院长 帖子:3408 积分:23138 威望:0 精华:8 注册:4/26/2006
云顶演唱会伍迷纪实!  发帖心情 Post By:3/28/2009 1:17:09 PM [显示全部帖子]

英文的   凑合这看吧   挺羡慕那兄弟的

我就把大概意思翻译一下 呵呵 



Post by: Liew on August 22nd,    

8月  22日发表的



早上有雾  他们订东西什么的挺难的 什么东西 哈哈

Finally can upload this post about Wu bai 伍佰 China Blue concert at Genting Highland. Four of us Myin, Lynn, Ahkwong were rushing to Genting. Rooms were fully booked that day and by no choice we book Arwana Hotel due to student holidays now.

Very hazy!!!!


他们开车 跑啊跑啊跑啊      花了一个半小时找了个停车的地方 晚上7:30到达了 演唱会现场


It took us half an hour to look for car park, we keep on running and running!!! finally reach the concert place there by 7.30pm.




开场前  哈哈





太爽了,我们在现场碰到了自己的同学  哈哈 这样就可以 有个小组 拍照了


It was very suprize!!! We meet our old classmate Wei Shuan at the concert and she just sit our back row. So Gan Donglah!!! We have a group photo before the show start.




我们干了些什么 呵呵


We did some camwhoring at that moment.



演唱会开始前  我向他们介绍了些老大的一些情况 内容 大家都知道  出生、经历什么的


Before the show start I am here to tell a bit about Wu bai. born 14 January 1968) is the stage name of a rock singer from Taiwan, Wu Chun-lin (Chinese: 吳俊霖; pinyin: Wǔ Jǔnlín; Taiwanese: Ng?· Chùn-l?m). He forms a band with China Blue, comprised of Dean “Dino” Zavolta on drums, Yu Ta-hao (余大豪 Yú Dàháo, aka “Big Cat”) on keyboards, Chu Chien-hui (朱劍輝 Zhū Jiànhuī) on bass guitar and Wu Bai on guitar and lead vocals.

Wu Bai was born in Suantou, Lioujiao — literally “Garlic Village” — in Chiayi County in south-central Taiwan. His father was a retired Taiwan Sugar Corporation worker and his mother a betel nut vendor, and he had two younger brothers who died tragically in a car accident. His nickname Wu Bai, meaning “five hundred,” derives from several stories, none of which can be proven to be fact: one story says the name came from his early academic success when he scored 100 points on each of five examination subjects.However, an interest in music in his teenage years led to a decline in his academic performance and he failed to pass the university entrance examinations. Another story says he used to charge 500 Taiwan Dollars for his early concerts. Another story says he was fat as a high school student and the local kids teased him for weighing “like 500 kilograms”.

In 2003, Wu Bai married Chen Wen-pei, his girlfriend of over 10 years, in a private ceremony in Fukuoka, Japan.

演唱会开始 !  很喜欢那什么的灯光什么的

Show Begin!!! Really love the lightning of the concert…kinda miss that coz I haven’t see concert for a very long time.








拿吉他出来 找5个MM


I tot he will come out with a guitar but so suprise that he came out dance with 5 pretty dancers and sing 妳是我的花朵. So hot can although was a bit old liao but still ROXKZ!!!!






唱了几首歌     上学时候就听老大

还把几首歌的 风格 吉他演奏什么的变了一下


Following by that, I heard my favourite songs 愛情的盡頭 (The End of Love), 浪人情歌 (Wanderer’s Love Song), 樹枝孤鳥 (Lonely Tree, Lonely Bird)……many many. It reminded those day while I was linsten his song during secondary school. I can felt all my cells was burning!!!!!!!

He change many guitars during each song, He was singing Tong ku de ren with this guitar














长达2个来小时 太爽了 什么时候再看一场啊


The whole concert duration was 2 hours ++ It was a wonderful night!!!! Really want to see again!!! Want to see more pictures from Wubai can link to this site www.blog.ahkwong.com. My post end up here.

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我下午6.30到了 遇到一个 超级五米  老 好了


I get there in 6.30pm at the same time waiting my friend rushing from her office. At the same time, I saw my ex-colleague Murotak which had been not meet each other for almost half year. Of coz he was a super fans of Wu bai.

I remember that time the 1st sight I saw him I tot his was a very fierce people but actually kinda funny and friendly as well.









老大上台前  免费送些小礼物  我两个朋友 免费获得了  100块的 什么东西  幸运死了 呵呵

Before Wubai enter the stage, the DJ from MY.com came here to offer some activities and free gifts as well. Me and Lynn have won two tickets that worth for RM100 each from the quiz. So Lucky can…hehe!!! Sure go to Genting for this great concert.





After some activities, Wubai have come on stage. Scream from the crowd!!! Wubai camwhore us at the moment.










china blue没来

Some random’s pic for Wubai. His band China blue didn’t attend this concert promo so I have no chance to snap them until concert that day.




讲完话 唱完歌后 来到 签售这

After his talk and songs. Here come the Autography section.


一个 五米拿来自己搜集的海报 让老大签名

Murotak bring his collection of wubai and prepare to let him sign…keke














我 英文水平就这样了 大家凑合这理解把 哈哈  爽啊


[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-28 16:54:48编辑过]



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  发帖心情 Post By:3/28/2009 1:17:34 PM [显示全部帖子]




伍佰:爱越久,情越浓  回到顶部
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等级:伍佰学院院长 帖子:3408 积分:23138 威望:0 精华:8 注册:4/26/2006
  发帖心情 Post By:3/28/2009 9:22:09 PM [显示全部帖子]




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