伍佰大陆网论坛╅伍佰专署区╆『品味伍佰』 → 老大的英文报道!(有翻译)来自CRI,2008.4.6



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老大的英文报道!(有翻译)来自CRI,2008.4.6  发帖心情 Post By:4/2/2009 3:59:25 AM [只看该作者]








翻译 by燕子


Hello and welcome to another edition of China Beat here on China Radio International. This is Zhong Qiu. Taiwan rock star, Wu Bai, is famous for his powerful live shows and is thus dubbed as "King of Live Music". Along with the band of China Blue formed by Wu Bai, this rock pioneer of Taiwan not only reached his fame in the mid-1990s but also brought guitar-oriented rock music and live concerts into popularity in Taiwan. The group's frequent touring and live album releases set a new standard for live performing on the Mando-pop scene. On the 18th of this month, Wu Bai and China Blue will tour the country's capital, Beijing and hopefully will move the city's music lovers again. So with today's China Beat, we will talk with Wu Bai and find out about his fascination with rock and live music.

大家好,欢迎来到中国国际广播电台“China Beat”栏目,我是Zhong Qiu。台湾摇滚巨星伍佰,以其强力的现场秀著称并因此被称为“音乐现场之王”。伍佰和他的乐队China Blue是台湾摇滚先锋,不只是在二十世纪九十年代中期就享有其盛誉,而且使吉他导向的摇滚乐和现场音乐在台湾大受欢迎。这个团体频发的巡回演出和发行新专辑树立了现场演出的新标准。这个月18号,伍佰and China Blue将到达首都北京,并将又一次感动北京的音乐爱好者。所以今天我们“China Beat”栏目将和伍佰聊一聊并找到他的摇滚和现场音乐的魅力。

Originally named Wu Chun-lin, Wu Bai left his hometown for Taipei in the early 1990s to start his music career. The same year, Pony Canyon Taiwan released Wu Bai's first album, Loving Others is a Happy Thing. The music industry in Taiwan took immediate notice of this unique composer-artist who could write music and lyrics, as well as produce and arrange his own music. In the face of praises from both professional musicians and his music fans, Wu Bai said,

伍佰,原名吴俊霖,在90年代早期伍佰离开家乡到台北开始他的音乐生涯。同年,Pony Canyon1992年,滚石和日本的Pony Canyon合资,成立了波丽佳音唱片公司。当时似乎是考虑以不同的风貌进军台湾,所以包括伍佰、林强、张震岳、BABOO(主唱林晓哲)的专辑还有《只要为你活一天》以及《少年耶安啦!》两张电影概念专辑就从滚石体系移交给波丽佳音发行。——燕子注)发行了伍佰的第一张专辑《爱上别人是快乐的事》。台湾音乐界对这个独特的作曲家产生了极大的关注,他既能作词作曲,同时也能制作和安排自己的音乐,面对来自专业音乐人和歌迷的赞扬,伍佰说到:

"I'm not a musician of mainstream. I was prone to create music based on my own emotions and rhythms."


Following his first album, Wu Bai created a rock band named China Blue, a group of highly professional and experienced musicians, to back him up on his mission to revolutionize rock music in Taiwan.

在发行第一张专辑之后,伍佰创建了摇滚乐队——China Blue,由一组高度专业和有丰富经验的音乐人组成,他们支持着伍佰在台湾变革摇滚乐的任务。

Wu Bai fine-tuned his act with China Blue for two years by touring different cities around Taiwan. As his fan base grew, "Friday with Wu Bai" became a weekly performing event for many listeners, especially college students. And Wu Bai also got his stage-name which means five hundred.

伍佰和China Blue在两年内到台湾的各个城市进行表演。他的歌迷不断壮大,“星期五和伍佰一起”对许多听众来说成为每周的一件大事,尤其对大学生来说。伍佰也因此得到他的艺名。

"I used to charge 500 Taiwan Dollars for my weekly shows in the pub. So I got my nickname Wu Bai from that."


In 1994, Wu Bai released his second album, "Wanderer's Love Song". This album has sold more than 600,000 copies in Asia and the hit song "Wanderer's Love Song" has been covered by many artists afterwards.


(Wanderer's Love Song)


伍佰:关于你那另人心碎的神态,我想就让他空白!  回到顶部
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  发帖心情 Post By:4/2/2009 4:01:10 AM [只看该作者]

After the success of this album, Wu Bai continued to give live performances. His enthusiastic performing style won him fans not only in China but throughout East and Southeast Asia.


"It's my happiest time when giving live shows. I dance with guitar and my music is crazy. I'm the producer of my shows, I design the whole concert."


In January 1996, Wu Bai & China Blue brought their powerful live show to Hong Kong for the first time and had great success.

19961月,伍佰和China Blue第一次在香港举行了现场演唱会并获得了极大的成功。

Later that year they released the smash hit album "The End of Love",  which sold over 600,000 copies and was honored as one of the year's Top 10 albums. Let's listen to Norwegian Forest, one of the most popular songs from the album, The End of Love.


(Norwegian Forest out)


In the year of 1998, Wu Bai tried his hand on acting. He appeared in a Chinese movie "Beautiful New World", playing the part of a street singer. He also wrote and sung the title song for the movie. This song was embodied in Wu Bai's mandarin album "White Dove". Quickly finished in two months, this album manifests Wu Bai's accumulated understanding of life. He believes good music doesn't depend on how long you spend working on it.


(White Dove)


伍佰:就当我俩没有明天,就当我俩只剩眼,就当我都不曾离开,仍不占满你心怀!  回到顶部
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  发帖心情 Post By:4/2/2009 4:02:02 AM [只看该作者]

"Sometimes, the song which takes you three months to write is not necessarily better than the one you spent five or ten minutes on. However, these five to ten minutes is when your understanding about life exuded."


With the release of this album, Wu Bai started a tour in Taiwan in 1999. He held six sold out concerts in a gigantic tent called "Super Dome", which was also a ground breaking event for the Taiwan concert scene. The album and the concerts were the first big events after Taiwan's devastating earthquake in the same year, which comforted so many people's broken hearts.


Wu Bai writes his own songs for his albums and also writes songs for many popular artists.


"If I wrote a song for a female singer, for example, Na Ying, a renowned singer from the Chinese mainland, I would think I was a knight-errant coming from northeastern China."


Top of The World is a song Wu Bai wrote for veteran Hong Kong singer and actor Andy Lau. He also performed this song in his own shows and released a namesake EP.


(Top of The Word)


Wu Bai continually gave performances with his band during these years. In the year of 2007, to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the establishment of China Blue, the band started a concert tour around Asia named You Are My Flower. And the tour will hit Beijing on April 18th. Wu Bai will change his persistent portrait of singing with a guitar and perform a dance he created himself during the concert. To complete today's program, let's have a listen to You Are My Flower, the theme song of the concert. This is Zhong Qiu in Beijing, have a nice day! Bye for now.

伍佰和他的乐队在这几年仍继续表演,2007年底,为了纪念China Blue成军十五周年,他们开始了“你是我的花朵”亚洲巡回演唱会,并且418号就要到达北京。演唱会上伍佰将改变他弹吉他演唱的传统形象,开始表演他自己创作的舞蹈。今天节目的最后我们来听一下“你是我的花朵”这首歌,这是这次演唱会的主打歌。我是Zhong Qiu,祝您拥有美好的一天,再会!

(You're My Flower)




伍佰:世界如此的大,海洋无限交流,总有一天要出头。  回到顶部
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加好友 发短信 枫情特快
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  发帖心情 Post By:4/2/2009 4:12:22 AM [只看该作者]

你哪能这样呢? 真不知道说啥好了,我算是明白了!!!啥也不说了!我承认 是我硬拉她来翻译的 ,求了她好长时间,我完全是出于虚荣的表现在这样的   现在我意识到了  谢谢 楼上的帖子图片点击可在新窗口打开查看



伍佰:没有了选择,你让我流浪 流浪在夜空  回到顶部
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  发帖心情 Post By:4/2/2009 8:45:41 AM [只看该作者]

都这么帅 呵呵~



伍佰:慢慢走过你身边,不知是你爱我抑是我爱你  回到顶部
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  发帖心情 Post By:4/2/2009 10:33:10 AM [只看该作者]


伍佰:我静静悄悄默默淡淡的止住呼吸  回到顶部
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  发帖心情 Post By:4/2/2009 5:13:00 PM [只看该作者]




伍佰:大雨,大雨,大雨,大雨一直下...  回到顶部
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加好友 发短信 伍佰教:东方护法
等级:伍佰学院辅导员 帖子:7601 积分:41693 威望:0 精华:0 注册:1/15/2005
  发帖心情 Post By:4/2/2009 10:25:04 PM [只看该作者]

尿性  学历高就是好

我常常固定在一个地方流浪 一朵没有国界的云 一颗没有归属的心 我知道有爱付不出的痛苦 更明白拿不回爱的孤独 眼前有一条路 我走…… 不知道未来会出现怎样的幸福 黄叶要落 就落吧 无需向枝叶告别 房子盖在海上 所以 也只有一生漂泊了 只有情歌 才能让浪人 四处为家 ……

伍佰:拉着我不要飘走,我在你背后挡风  回到顶部
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  发帖心情 Post By:4/8/2009 12:45:03 AM [只看该作者]


伍佰:将你和我的爱情全部敲碎,再将它通通赶出我受伤的心扉  回到顶部
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等级:伍佰学院 大四 帖子:2602 积分:15677 威望:0 精华:1 注册:6/10/2005
  发帖心情 Post By:4/8/2009 11:18:02 PM [只看该作者]









呵呵   ,晕死你了

伍佰:爱你越久我越被动  回到顶部