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等级:伍佰学院院长 帖子:4051 积分:24481 威望:0 精华:1 注册:12/3/2004
[中英完整朗诵]请再说一遍我爱你  发帖心情 Post By:7/6/2005 12:35:33 PM [显示全部帖子]

[英]勃郎宁夫人 说了一遍 请再对我说一遍 说 我爱你 即使那样一遍遍地重复 你会把它看成一支布谷鸟的歌曲 记着 在那青山和绿林间 在那山谷和田野中 如果它 缺少了那串布谷鸟的音节 纵使清新的春天 披着满身的绿装降临 也不算完美无缺 爱 四周那么黑暗 耳边只听见惊悸的心声 处于那痛苦的不安之中 我嚷道 再说一遍 我爱你 谁会嫌星星太多 即使每颗星星都在太空中转动 谁会嫌鲜花太多 即使每朵鲜花都洋溢着春意 说 你爱我 你爱我 一声声敲着银钟 只是要记住 还得用灵魂爱我 在默默里 ===================== Say over again and yet once over again. That thou dost love me. Though the word repeated Should seem `a cuckoo-song,' As thou dost treat it. Remember, never to the hill or plain, Valley and wood, without her cuckoo-strain Comes the fresh Spring in all her green completed. Beloved, I, amid the darkness greeted By a doubtful spirit-voice, in that doubt's pain Cry, ... `Speak once more ... thou lovest! Who can fear Too many stars, though each in heaven shall roll, Too many flowers, though each shall crown the year? Say thou dost love me, love me, love me -- toll The silver iterance! -- only minding, Dear,  To love me also in silence with thy soul.

伍佰:让尘封往事成为一种相逢,消失在风中……  回到顶部