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主题:金属柔情经典-goodbye to romance

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等级:伍佰学院院长 帖子:4051 积分:24481 威望:0 精华:1 注册:12/3/2004
金属柔情经典-goodbye to romance  发帖心情 Post By:7/9/2006 7:36:17 PM [只看该作者]

备用地址: http://www.zjcity.com/sq/forum/upfile/music/dh/3.mp3 Ozzy Osbourne算得上是一个能与猫王站在一起的明星..... [ti:Goodbye to Romance] [ar:Ozzy Osbourne] [al:] [by:也丁] [offset:500] [00:00.00]LRC Edit by Allen [00:02.20] [00:09.90]Yesterday has been and gone [00:12.44]Tommorow will I find the sun [00:15.90]Or will it rain [00:23.21]Everybody's having fun [00:26.46]Except me, I'm the lonely one [00:29.94]I live in shame [00:31.29] [00:35.89]I say goodbye to romance, yeah [00:46.45]Goodbye to friends, I tell you [00:52.24]Goodbye to all the past [00:59.81]I guess that we'll meet [01:03.15]We'll meet in the end [01:07.84] [01:12.17]I've been the king, I've been the clown [01:15.79]Now broken wings can't hold me down [01:18.87]I'm free again [01:26.00]The jester with the broken crown [01:29.51]It won't be me this time around [01:33.51]To love in vain [01:35.95] [01:38.56]I say goodbye to romance, yeah [01:48.92]Goodbye to friends, I tell you [01:54.52]Goodbye to all the past [02:02.14]I guess that we'll meet [02:05.30]We'll meet in the end [02:13.15] [02:14.03]And I feel the time is right [02:16.82]Although I know that you just might say to me [02:21.91]What'cha gonna do [02:25.20]What'cha gonna do [02:27.30]But I have to take this chance goodbye [02:31.39]To friends and to romance [02:35.26]And to all of you [02:38.35]And to all of you [02:41.07]Come on now [02:44.07] [03:07.75]I say goodbye to romance, yeah [03:17.25]Goodbye to friends, I tell you [03:21.51]Goodbye to all the past [03:31.55]I guess that we'll meet [03:34.04]We'll meet in the end [03:39.33] [03:48.73]And the weather's looking fine [03:53.74]And I think the sun will shine again [04:02.01]And I feel I've cleared my mind [04:05.80]All the past is left behind again [04:09.44] [04:16.40]I say goodbye to romance, yeah [04:25.02]Goodbye to friends, I tell you [04:36.29]Goodbye to all the past [04:39.83]I guess that we'll meet [04:44.71]We'll meet in the end [04:45.62] [04:47.53] 关于ROMANCE: 说起romance,你一定会浮想联翩,这是一个年轻男女们都很喜欢的字眼,你知道这个字是怎么来的吗? 说起来romance和罗马(Rome)有关。古罗马人用的是拉丁文,后来拉丁文渐渐消失,演变为意大利语、法语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、罗马尼亚语等,这些语言总称为Romance languages(罗曼斯语)。 中世纪的时候,武士闯荡江湖赢得美人芳心这类的故事多数是用罗曼斯语写的,其中法文用的最多。所以,这一类故事就叫作romances。法国人的“浪漫”世界闻名,大概也与此有关吧。 现在,romance除了常常用来指那些像美梦一样远离现实的爱情小说之外,还可以用来指风流韵事或浪漫的气氛。 例如: She thought it was going to be the big romance of her life, but he left her after only a few weeks. 她以为这将成为她生命中刻骨铭心的风流韵事,不料才过了没几个星期就被他遗弃了。 the romance of life in the Wild West(西部蛮荒生活中的浪漫色彩)

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  发帖心情 Post By:1/27/2006 10:15:36 PM [只看该作者]

不错 不过不是我喜欢的风格 顶下先

伍佰:浅浅一个笑,就很美好,就怕一瞬间,花就枯萎了  回到顶部
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  发帖心情 Post By:2/11/2006 5:38:03 PM [只看该作者]

我喜欢这种感觉...很值得收藏的一首好歌... 记得Ozzy那年参加英国女王伊利莎白的周年庆典的时候, 唱的歌曲是《Paranoid》。 《Paranoid》这首歌曲一直都是我非常喜欢的曲子.... 他能写出这么"残忍"的音乐,跟他的经历是分不开的..... 不管他有什么过错,音乐始终没有错,始终还是很棒.....

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等级:伍佰学院 大一 帖子:1743 积分:9527 威望:0 精华:1 注册:12/25/2004
  发帖心情 Post By:7/9/2006 7:36:17 PM [只看该作者]

好听!!听了两个晚上了~! 不过他到底要表达什么啊~?

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