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等级:伍佰学院 新生 帖子:42 积分:230 威望:0 精华:0 注册:5/3/2006
英文版的爱你一万年,听听!  发帖心情 Post By:6/6/2006 2:33:17 PM [只看该作者]

[mp=http://school.ecp.com.cn/download/music/winner.mp3 ]http://school.ecp.com.cn/download/music/winner.mp3 [/mp]图片点击可在新窗口打开查看

伍佰:爱你越久我越被动,只因你的爱居无定所,是你让我的心慢慢退缩,退到你看不见的角落  回到顶部
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加好友 发短信 忠实的伍米粒儿
等级:伍佰学院陆年级 帖子:669 积分:3531 威望:0 精华:0 注册:3/7/2006
  发帖心情 Post By:6/5/2006 3:59:20 AM [只看该作者]

确实是好奇 想听听 可是打不开呀

伍佰:像电影里的情节  回到顶部
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等级:伍佰学院 新生 帖子:27 积分:141 威望:0 精华:0 注册:6/12/2005
  发帖心情 Post By:6/6/2006 2:33:17 PM [只看该作者]

sun4587 强啊 这你也能找着 顶一个 下载方法: 把地址拷贝下来 用网络快车or其他下载工具下载 这样是可以的 也可以到baidu上搜索歌曲last of the time 刚在网上查了下:“这首歌曲最早是一首日文歌曲,后来黄占填词钟镇涛翻成了粤语,《让一切随风》,后来刘文正和邓丽君翻唱成了国语《爱你一万年》,再后来谭咏麟钟镇涛等人组成的Winner乐队翻成了英文的4:55(part of the game) ” 除那首日文歌曲无法证实外 其他两个版本网上都可以下到 有兴趣的可以找着听听 我们常听的爱你一万年可以说是和刘文正和邓丽君版本最接近 附:4:55(part of the game)歌词 (所谓的爱你一万年英文版) yes i saw you at the station long distances miles you were leaving for weekend catching the 4:55 with the new frend for the season another sad-eyed colwn. helping to see that you fantasies go down. and i have to wonder to myself why you have to go so far drift with life's daydreams. trying to play the star. i still remember when your said baby now let's get away. and i followed you like a schoolboy i guess that's part of the game. now you call me say you're sorry give me long distance love you say you'd like to see me. maybe just for a while. and you'd meet me at the station. there on platform 9. and we'd leave for the weekend. riding for 4:55. but i've played this scene too many times to ever feel the part again. i don't really want to fake it. i already knew the end so bye cin-cinderella everything just has to change and the midnight blues are calling i guess that's part of the game.

伍佰:算了吧算了吧心爱的人儿呀,我想要放弃你浪迹天涯  回到顶部