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主题:[推荐]the Beatles的挪威森林(norwegian wood)

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等级:伍佰学院壹年级 帖子:141 积分:775 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2/5/2005
[推荐]the Beatles的挪威森林(norwegian wood)  发帖心情 Post By:5/4/2005 9:19:57 PM [只看该作者]

歌手:the beatles i once had a girl or should i say she once had me she showed me her room isn't it good norwegian wood? she asked me to stay and she told me to sit anywhere so i looked around and i noticed there wasn't a chair i sat on a rug biding my time drinking her wine we talked until two and then she said "it's time for bed" she told me she worked in the morning and started to laugh i told her i didn't and crawled off to sleep in the bath and when i awoke i was alone this bird had flown so i lit a fire isn't it good norwegian wood

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等级:伍佰学院贰年级 帖子:231 积分:1242 威望:0 精华:0 注册:1/7/2005
  发帖心情 Post By:5/2/2005 9:36:35 PM [只看该作者]


伍佰:要给你远方的祝福,我知道他苦苦的  回到顶部
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等级:伍佰学院壹年级 帖子:141 积分:775 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2/5/2005
  发帖心情 Post By:5/2/2005 9:58:01 PM [只看该作者]


伍佰:啊,黄色的月亮是我甜蜜的故乡,啊,黄色的月亮下我没有什麽事好悲伤  回到顶部
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加好友 发短信 哎!
等级:伍佰学院院长 帖子:9332 积分:51762 威望:0 精华:1 注册:1/18/2005
  发帖心情 Post By:5/3/2005 1:53:46 PM [只看该作者]

已经弄好了! 很多人都以为伍佰的《挪威森林》是翻唱the beatles 的 其实这是2手不一样的歌

伍佰:莎呦娜啦,莎呦娜啦,走在风中的海岸  回到顶部
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加好友 发短信 主音吉他手
等级:伍佰学院肆年级 帖子:461 积分:2509 威望:0 精华:0 注册:12/5/2004
  发帖心情 Post By:5/4/2005 9:19:57 PM [只看该作者]

the beatles 一直都是我很喜欢的,看我的网名就知道了。 都过去,几十年了,the beatles 是个神话。 曾有消息这样报道:“以后绝对没有哪一支乐队能比的上The Beatles”这样说,就知道the beatles 有多大的影响力,是他们改变了流行音乐和摇滚乐。真的算是个神话!

伍佰:我想你的时候像小河流,心弯弯地泪都快要流  回到顶部