伍佰大陆网论坛╅论坛综合区╆『芭乐流行风』 → [推荐]Bressone



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等级:伍佰学院肆年级 帖子:436 积分:2265 威望:0 精华:0 注册:1/25/2006
[推荐]Bressone  发帖心情 Post By:2/11/2006 5:27:33 PM [只看该作者]

我比较喜欢的 听着有点忧伤 Here I stand in bressone With the stars up in the sky Are they shinning over brenner And upon the other side You would be a sweet surrender I must go the other way And my train will carry me on ward Though my heart would surely on ward stay Wo my heart would surely stay Now the clouds are by me flying And the moon is on the rise I have left stars behind me The were disamonds your skies You would be a sweet surrender I must go the other way And my train will carry me on word Though my heart would surely stay Wo my heart would surely stay 非法DIR多媒体标签,文件地址:http://pku.smzx.org/homepage/yexianyong/xxyl/music/bressanone.swf

伍佰:花不觉悲伤,鲜艳依然凝视着光  回到顶部
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等级:伍佰学院肆年级 帖子:436 积分:2265 威望:0 精华:0 注册:1/25/2006
  发帖心情 Post By:1/27/2006 10:23:39 PM [只看该作者]

伍佰:我静静悄悄默默淡淡的止住呼吸  回到顶部
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等级:伍佰学院肆年级 帖子:436 积分:2265 威望:0 精华:0 注册:1/25/2006
  发帖心情 Post By:1/27/2006 10:25:16 PM [只看该作者]

联结有点不好 所以我找了MP3与FLASH 两个放一起了 现在不好找了

伍佰:我想我上瘾了  回到顶部
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等级:伍佰学院肆年级 帖子:461 积分:2509 威望:0 精华:0 注册:12/5/2004
  发帖心情 Post By:2/11/2006 5:27:33 PM [只看该作者]


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