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主题:Hello all just join


Hello all just join  发帖心情 Post By:8/23/2008 6:26:46 PM [只看该作者]

I am Amanda and I just found this site last night, what a good domain for forum - www.wubaicn.com
I think that stay here for a long time

[此贴子已经被南国于2008-8-27 11:14:17编辑过]

伍佰:你给的爱,甜美的伤害  回到顶部
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  发帖心情 Post By:8/24/2008 4:33:15 PM [只看该作者]

Nice to meet you,welcome to Wubaicn!!!


I think,if you can speak Chinese,that will be better^_^


My name is Cold Swallow(not real name,I only use this name when I login the internet,hahaha……)

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-24 16:38:54编辑过]

伍佰:也许哪一天,你腻了我,想要寻我真正的感情,也许哪一天,你放了手,不再执着爱情的真谛  回到顶部

  发帖心情 Post By:8/27/2008 1:48:58 AM [只看该作者]

hello ,Amanda

welcome to here

Very pleased to see you
where are you from?
And can you speak chinese?

The first to come here?
Hope that you can be here in Paradise
I just saw this post

伍佰:夜照亮了夜,痛战胜了痛,然而春去春回真的承认思维,最黑的黑是背叛,最痛的痛是原谅  回到顶部