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《挪威的森林》英文翻译!  发帖心情 Post By:2/21/2006 11:11:56 AM [显示全部帖子]

让我将你心儿摘下 let me take your heart 试著将它慢慢溶化 try to make it feel 看我在你心中是否仍完美无瑕 if I'm still perfect there 是否依然为我丝丝牵挂 do you still miss me a little bit 依然爱我无法自拔 still cannot help loving me 心中是否有我未曾到过的地方啊 at anywhere I've never been in your heart 那里湖面总是澄清 the lake there is always pure 那里空气充满宁静 the air full of silence 雪白明月照在大地 bright moon touching the earth 藏著你不愿提起的回忆 something you don't want to remind 你说真心总是可以从头 ture love gives a new beginning 真爱总是可以长久 and lasts long time 为何你的眼神还有孤独时的落寞 but why slight of loneliness in your eyes 是否我只是你一种寄托 please tell me if I'm just a substitution 填满你感情的缺口 to fill your blank 心中那片森林何时能让我停留 when can I stay in your heart,the quiet forest 那里湖面总是澄清 the lake there is always pure 那里空气充满宁静 full of silence the air 雪白明月照在大地 bright moon touching the earth 藏著你最深处的秘密 hiding your most secret 或许我 maybe I 不该问 should not ask 让你平静的心再起涟漪 to break the silence deep inside of you 只是爱你的心超出了界线 but my heart's beyond the border 我想拥有你所有一切 I want to hold you everything 应该是 I should not ask 我不该问 不该让你再将往事重提 not mention something gone 只是心中枷锁 but how can I scape 该如何才能解脱 from the chains of my heart

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